Search results for "tishat, tishata'"

tishat, tishata' v take out Tishat 'am yaawe'en. He took out his keys. Tishata' gusali. He took out the spoons.

ch'eyew', ch'eywa n ten Hala'let ch'eyew' noono' hedeesha migch'i. Ten men lifted the heavy wood. Tishata' 'aman ch'eywa bilaasu'un. They took out ten plates. (sem. domains: 8.1.2 - Count, 8.1 - Quantity, 8.1.1 - Number.)

k'eela'hiy', k'eela'hiya n butter knife Mich gayis hi' k'eela'hiy'. This butter knife is really good. Tishata' 'ama' baada'an 'am yo' k'eelahiya. She took out a butter knife and the butter.

ch'eesha', ch'eesha'an n bile K'aheeyata' ch'eesha'. The bile became stinky. Tishata' 'am ch'eesha'an. He took out its bile. (sem. domains: 2.2 - Body functions.)